• Client Testimonials

Executive & Business Coaching

Marianne Hynes

I engaged Marianne Hynes, Founder of Quantum Leap Global to review my social media presence and to put together a resume for me.

Throughout this process, Marianne showed a deep understanding of how to convey industry experience to be relevant across multiple disciplines and various fields.

Marianne’s collaborative approach challenged me and encouraged me to view my experience differently, building confidence and allowing me to shed the ‘imposter syndrome’ feeling. Marianne showed me what I have done, and achieved and the level of skill I have acquired.

Marianne came to this project with confidence and acumen, and as a result, I increased my social media presence, I was offered an incredible employment opportunity, and I now look at my ability differently. My professional confidence has increased drastically. Marianne helped me see my worth and I have made significant positive changes in my work life as a direct result.

General Manager – Property Management
September 2022

Despite having extensive experience in the Education and Training industry I was having difficulty getting to the interview stages for many jobs that I had applied for.

I decided to enlist the help of Quantum Leap Global to improve the outcomes of these applications and to make my skills and experience work for me.

Marianne reviewed my CV, LinkedIn profile and job applications and made adjustments so that they would stand out in the crowd.

Within a week I had been contacted by a potential employer via LinkedIn to discuss job opportunities and within one month I had secured a permanent job in my area of expertise.

I would strongly recommend the services of Quantum Leap Global to help you reach your employment goals.

Keith Hackett
Training Advisor, Secure Energy JV
September 2021

Marianne coached and mentored me during the start-up of my own business.

Her passion, positivity and expertise gave me the confidence, direction and support to achieve my goals and follow my passion in a relatively short period. I highly recommend working with her if you want to bring your vision to life.

Deborah Baird, Founder, The Remedy
August 2022

I previously worked with psychologists to help process various life events. While I gained a great toolkit of strategies and transitioned to a fulfilling career and friendships, I still felt like something was off balance and missing from my life – but I could not figure out what it was.

Once I started working with Marianne, I was able to identify my imbalances and begin on the pathway that truly felt right for me.

Marianne’s perspective allowed for natural reflection and development of a vision that reflected what I wanted from my life – not what I thought others wanted.

If you are looking for a different way to look at what might be missing from your life – I highly recommend speaking with Marianne and starting the journey!

Caitlin Scott, Physiotherapist
August 2022

Before working with Marianne, I had a vision for my business that I planned to pursue “soon”. Lack of time and momentum however, kept this “soon” forever elongating; I had gone as far as I could by just working harder. Under Marianne’s coaching, this changed.

She taught me how to work smarter not harder, how to cultivate momentum and synchronicity, and hone and actualise my vision. How quickly my vision evolved from an abstract into something tangible truly surprised me!

If you want to bring your professional vision to life, I wholeheartedly recommend Marianne.

Angela Tandori, Founding Director, Art & Collectors
September 2021

It’s only with Marianne’s mastery guidance that I was empowered to navigate the treacherous journey and break lifelong habits and social conditioning where life now feels lighter, simpler.

Marianne’s coaching helped me to reconnect with my own inner guidance system.

The rewards of moving from just the thinking mind to feeling are providing an endless stream of happiness, newfound curiosity, and optimism.

Allyson Riley, Senior Manager & Mother
February 2021

I stepped back in my career to support my young family.  As they became older, and with increasing financial pressure, I was ready to return to work and restart my career.  However, the passion in my field had faded and I was looking at another 20 years of working life doing something I no longer found meaningful, was demanding of my time and held a lot of stress.

Perhaps wanting to be happy with my work and feeling it had true meaning was too much to ask?

So I did what I always do, ignored my inner voice and tackled things by working harder.  Not surprisingly this resulted in increasingly shorter burn out cycles, with my health starting to take the impact (hello autoimmune conditions!)

Career counsellors and life coaches had been suggested by well meaning friends before. But I’d done skills tests, personality assessments and productivity courses and, although insights were made, I was still stuck in the hamster wheel of life. I knew that motivating and “organising” my way out of this situation wasn’t the solution.

This is where Marianne joined my story.

Marianne helped me listen to myself and truth be told that inner voice was a weakling when I started. It was confused and doubtful, constantly being drowned out by the “shoulds” of life and a desperate need to take action – NOW.

Through Marianne’s coaching I became clearer on my values, acknowledged my wants without judgement and gave myself space to “be”  The path became clearer, the opportunities became apparent and things changed DRAMATICALLY and QUICKLY.

From Marianne’s coaching I achieved the outcome I had initially wanted – a new career direction.  But what she also helped me develop was a life skill that I could take into all aspects of my life.  Marianne taught me a better way to make decisions and a healthy way of working them through to action.  And this is a skill I can pass to my children and that, for me, has been the most welcome takeaway.

Ingrid Pettit, Career Woman & Mother
September 2021

Financial Wellness

Michael de Haan

I engaged Michael’s services to assist me both in my business and personal life.

He taught me great self-awareness and the connection between my personal relationships and how that plays out in my business.

With the new awareness he helped me integrate techniques and methods to benefit my business. I am now reaping the rewards and achieving my goals.

Kirsty Freyer
September 2021

I reached out to Michael at a time when I was stuck.  He helped me identify, organise and clear my path forward with practical tools, guidance and support but, most importantly, enabled me to connect back to myself.

Michael sincerely cares, and for me, having worked with many coaches over my career, that was a real game-changer!

Michael is personable and easy to connect with, and I felt safe and valued during my time with him.”

Deborah Turton
COO, The Happiness Algorithm

When I started working with Michael, there were a few things I was noticing in my life that weren’t serving me well.

Michael helped me identify the beliefs that were underpinning my actions and helped me understand why I was making the decisions I was.

Since working with Michael, I feel a deeper awareness around and connection with who I am. I have a better understanding of events that have shaped me. I feel a greater sense of freedom and confidence in my ability to make good choices, and these shifts have set me on a different, more rewarding path.

I’m very grateful for Michael’s genuine care and commitment to supporting me.

Nicole Davidson
September 2021