• Coaching Services

Helping you achieve breakthrough transformation, and ignite your highest potential

Transformational Coaching and Mentoring

Transformational Coaching is a personalised and dynamic coaching method that is based on transformational theory.

For transformation to happen, you need to have shifts on multiple levels including understanding of self; core beliefs about the world and people; and the development of new skills and behaviours.

In other words, transformational change is about self-actualisation.

Transformational coaching combines different aspects of therapy, counselling, mentoring and training that help you identify and release non-serving beliefs, mindsets and limiting assumptions while connecting to your highest potential.

When you work with Quantum Leap Global, it will be a trusted partnership; a journey that we take together to discover the specific obstacles holding you back from realising your potential.

Are you ready to up-level your life, career, business or leadership for more impact?

We will take you through a structured framework to identify effective ways to release your obstacles and give you clarity about the future you desire to create.

What you can expect:

  • move from achievement to self-actualisation and experience transformational growth, beyond your current limitations.
  • have an understanding of your purpose, passions, values, gifts and skills and how to find work that fulfils you.
  • experience increased confidence to use your voice, own your uniqueness and step fully into your power.
  • have clarity on your priorities in life and the ability to create a life aligned to your deepest desire.

Before working with Marianne, I had a vision for my business that I planned to pursue “soon”.

Lack of time and momentum however, kept this “soon” forever elongating; I had gone as far as I could by just working harder. Under Marianne’s coaching, this changed. She taught me how to work smarter not harder, how to cultivate momentum and synchronicity, and hone and actualise my vision.

How quickly my vision evolved from an abstract into something tangible truly surprised me!

If you want to bring your professional vision to life, I wholeheartedly recommend Marianne.

Angela Tandori, Founding Director, Art & Collectors

“Show up for yourself, like you do for others”

Marianne Hynes

Executive Coaching

Are you ready to do something different… to change your perspective, find deeper fulfilment in your work, achieve new important goals or develop your impact as a leader or as a business owner?

But maybe you don’t know how to get to the next leadership level, whether that’s a management, CEO, COO or other C-Suite positions. Or maybe you are struggling to scale your business.

Or perhaps you feel “stuck” and want a career change but are unsure of what it is or what you need to do.

If so, you’re not alone.

As a former COO with 25 years in the corporate world, I have experienced multiple successful career transitions and a deeper desire for purpose in my work which I found by doing this work. Additionally, I know what it takes to build a business.

The Executive Coaching Quantum Leap Global provides, draws on lived experience as well as psychology and transformational coaching studies. We help individuals go from where they are, to where they want themselves, their team or company to be, by identifying blocks, limitations, gaps or obstacles.

When you work with Quantum Leap Global, you will gain deep clarity on the following important issues:

  • who you are as an individual and leader
  • what you stand for
  • what gaps/blocks do you have that have stopped you from reaching your next level
  • how you can create more impact
  • how to get where you want to be next

The coaching is personalised, confidential and focuses on a structured way of transformational learning, to ensure you can be the leader you aspire to be.

Marianne’s coaching helped me to reconnect with my own inner guidance system.

The rewards of moving from just the thinking mind to feeling are providing an endless stream of happiness, newfound curiosity, and optimism.

It’s only with Marianne’s mastery guidance that I was empowered to navigate the treacherous journey and break lifelong habits and social conditioning where life now feels lighter, simpler.

Allyson Riley, Senior Manager & Mother

Be the change you want to see in the world

Mahatma Gandhi

Quantum Leap Global complies with the International Coach Federation (ICF) Code of Ethics, which can be found here.

Are you ready for Change?

If you are ready for change, connect with us to explore how we can assist.